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Membership Application

Membership Level - Yearly Dues

Member - $30 Per Member / $50 Per Couple
Century Club - $100 Per Member
Constitution Club - $250 Per Member
Patriot Club - $500 Per Member

Applicant #1

Applicant #2

Contact Information

Best Phone To Contact: Home    Cell

Voter Registration Information
(This information can be found on your voter registration card)


The following are Principles and Beliefs of the National Federation of Republican Assemblies. Please read and check each box to acknowledge that you have read and will uphold and support these beliefs:

Unalienable Rights:
We believe that man's rights flow from the Creator and the rights of life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness are unalienable and cannot be legitimately granted or rescinded by men.

Judeo‐Christian Foundation:
We believe in the guiding force of moral law as expressed by the Judeo‐ Christian ethic and contained in the Holy Scriptures of these historic faiths.

We believe that the concept of self‐government begins with governing one's self first, then family, community, state, and nation, in that order.

Right to Keep and Bear Arms:
We believe in the unqualified right of our citizens to keep and bear arms and in the Second Amendment's guarantee to individuals of that right with no exceptions.

Sanctity of Life:
We believe that the preborn child is a human being possessing the same unalienable rights as all other people and entitled to the full protection of the law.

We believe that the traditional American family, of one man and one woman, is the cornerstone of our American society.

We believe in the rights of parents to obtain a quality education for their children. We support parental choice to create competition among the schools and this should be accomplished at the local level. We must insure that no school or teachers' union can compromise the education of our children or advance a particular political agenda at the expense of our future generation's educations.

We believe in growth‐oriented tax policies which would gradually eliminate punitive income taxes and move our tax system toward that originally established by our Founding Fathers.

Free Enterprise:
We believe that the free market is the most efficient and the least costly system to deliver the highest quality goods and services at the lowest price to the consumer.

National Defense:
We believe in a strong and consistent national defense. We believe in Pres. Ronald Reagan's approach 'peace through strength.'

National Sovereignty:
We believe that Government's first concern is the welfare and protection of the American people and their sovereign right to rule themselves without deference to any foreign or international body.

Decentralized Government:
We believe in the Tenth Amendment. We believe that only small government truly serves the needs of the people and that those governments closest to the people are most responsive to their needs.

National Popular Vote:
We believe our founders, who initially rejected the National Popular Vote and withstood the embarrassment of the 1800 Burr/Jefferson election, carefully developed the Electoral College in the 12th Amendment and it is the cornerstone to maintain our Republic.

By signing below, the membership applicant agrees to support and uphold our stated Principles and Beliefs, to being a legal resident of the State of Florida; and to being a registered voter. Applicant also understands that all new applications are pending approval of the current FRA Board.


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Meetings are held the third Tuesday of the month:

Social at 5:30pm
Meeting at 6pm

Wayne G. Sanborn Center
815 South Alabama Avenue
DeLand, Florida 32724
Open to all registered Republicans

©2025 Republican Assembly of West Volusia
Website Development & Hosting By Tinker Graphics